My FREE Cookbook
For those who haven't read yet, Jannyanne made me a beautiful cookbook that she sent me for my b'day. It has all my recipes from my blog, along with my story and pics, and is beautifully formatted in a professional cookbook format. You can see the original book
HERE on the picaboo website she created it on.
All of these recipes are also available here for viewing and printing if you just scroll down to the food post, but the cookbook Jan created is great if you want a really professional version to print out. If you don't know my story, you can read about it at the beginning of my regular blog recipes post, but just so you know these recipes are for losing weight and are meant to be used on the NS meal plan in conjunction with or as replacements for the NS entrees. Each recipe will specifically say what it is meant to count as on the NS women's 1200 cal/day plan.
I converted the cookbook to an easy file that you can all download and print as you like at home. You can even take the file to Kinko's or somewhere if you want and choose how you'd like it printed. (It is MUCH cheaper though to print it at home and then take it to Kinko's to have them spiral bind it for you; less than $5 to have it bound once you've printed it).
I have made the cookbook into a pdf file now and it should have 104 pages total, including 1 blank page on page 2 (that page is necessary so if you print it in a back to back cookbook format and have it bound like a book that the pages will still all be on the right sides)...
I have Word documents and PDF files for this cookbook now, but the Word files are too big to be kept updated for downloading all the time. The PDF file is available for downloading on The-Jazzman's site:
My Cookbook in a PDF file
Make sure after you download that is has all 104 pages. Hope you enjoy the fruits of Jan's and my labor. Happy losing w/NS everyone. :)
My Profile
My BLOG "recipes"
HERE on the picaboo website she created it on.
All of these recipes are also available here for viewing and printing if you just scroll down to the food post, but the cookbook Jan created is great if you want a really professional version to print out. If you don't know my story, you can read about it at the beginning of my regular blog recipes post, but just so you know these recipes are for losing weight and are meant to be used on the NS meal plan in conjunction with or as replacements for the NS entrees. Each recipe will specifically say what it is meant to count as on the NS women's 1200 cal/day plan.
I converted the cookbook to an easy file that you can all download and print as you like at home. You can even take the file to Kinko's or somewhere if you want and choose how you'd like it printed. (It is MUCH cheaper though to print it at home and then take it to Kinko's to have them spiral bind it for you; less than $5 to have it bound once you've printed it).
I have made the cookbook into a pdf file now and it should have 104 pages total, including 1 blank page on page 2 (that page is necessary so if you print it in a back to back cookbook format and have it bound like a book that the pages will still all be on the right sides)...
I have Word documents and PDF files for this cookbook now, but the Word files are too big to be kept updated for downloading all the time. The PDF file is available for downloading on The-Jazzman's site:
My Cookbook in a PDF file
Make sure after you download that is has all 104 pages. Hope you enjoy the fruits of Jan's and my labor. Happy losing w/NS everyone. :)
My Profile
My BLOG "recipes"