My Life and Weight Loss Through NS: June 2006

My Life and Weight Loss Through NS

My Photo
Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States

Sunday, June 25, 2006

My New FilmLoop

Hey you guys!

I've been playing around with this FilmLoop thing that I found a link to on It's not very easy to work with, but pretty cool once you get it up and running. Enjoy. :)

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Katrina's Ballet Recital Pic, June 2006

Here's a picture of Katrina in her ballet recital dress. She did an awesome job and was just the sweetest thing you've ever seen!

Some "before and after" face pics

Here's a couple of my favorite pics since hitting my ideal goal weight last August. These are from Valentine's Day of this year. Thanks to Jan (jannyanne) for help with the black and white one. :)

Before face pic, Sept 2004 (3 1/2 months before starting NS), 165-170 lbs:

Before face pic, Jan 2005 (1st day on NS), 180 lbs: