More Vow Renewal Pictures
Hey guys!
I've been working on pictures for a few days now and even though I'm not even close to getting through all of them yet, I wanted to share a bunch with you guys. Here's a bunch of pictures that Jan took the morning of the ceremony, while we were getting ready, and then a bunch of my favorite pics from during the ceremony and after. Hope you will enjoy them as much as I have.
Love, Amy
Sat morning, having hair done at the salon:

Katrina pouting since I told her that "No, Cheetos aren't a good idea this morning after you've just had your hair and makeup done" LOL:

Me checking out if the curls are even, hehe:

LOVE my hair stylist:

At the ceremony location, the dress is waiting:

Jan REALLY never misses a shot, LOL, though I won't even post the risque one that Chris (cygnet2) captured:

Nope, STILL not as bad as the one Chris got, LOL:

Jan shot this pic while I was getting my thigh highs on I think, LOL:

My mom, helping me into my slip:

Into the dress:

Almost... Hey, I spy Chris back there helping too. :)

Helping Katrina with her dress while mine was going on also:

My mom helping, and check out that reflection in the mirror, hehe:

Katrina being cuddly while I was getting dressed and hey, what's Chris doing in my purse back there?!?!:

Tighter, tighter... suck it in:

Helping Katrina secure her tiara tighter:

She was sooooo sweet:

Tyler, Mom, and Katrina:

Almost time now:

I was sooooo ready to get the ceremony started... Jan snapped some pics while we waited for some late guests to arrive:

More pics while we were waiting for the "go":

I walked up to the aisle with both kids, and Tyler hesitated a bit forgetting that he was supposed to walk done the aisle 1st, so here is Katrina reminding him:

Katrina dropping the flower girl petals, awwwww:

I SPRINTED down the aisle apparently (hey, in my defense it was a SHORT aisle, LOL) so Jan couldn't get a very good shot of me. Here is Mike helping me up the step to the stage though:

The start of the ceremony:

My beautiful flower girl:

and the handsome ring bearer:

Mike and I said a few words of appreciation to all of our friends and family:

As a complete surprise to our parents, we asked them all up on stage and honored their marriages as well. My parents have been married nearly 38 years, and Mike's parents have been married nearly 40 years. WOW to them both! We presented them with plaques that said "Love Withstands the Test of Time" and we had them engraved with their names and wedding dates:

There were a LOT of tears up on that stage that day. Me with my parents after presenting them with their plaque:

Katrina sang a beautiful song to us "Love Will Be Our Home":

Me helping Katrina a little to not be so nervous, since the microphone was off at the beginning to her song and I'm sure that unnerved her a bit. Poor girl. She was a trooper though:

Glancing at Mike and Tyler as Katrina sang:

Me singing to Mike "Have I Told You Lately", the same song I sang to him 10 years ago (I need to work on some of the pics for this part still):

One of the most special parts of the ceremony to us was making vows to our children:

The closest I think Tyler will ever get to tears on camera:

I think we all teared up a bit:

Mike and I exchanged new rings:

The new rings...

The kiss:

Of course the kids HAD to look away, LOL:

We "danced" back down the aisle a little to the song "Funky Town". (We LOVE jamming in the car with the kiddos to funky music and knew this would be a fun song to surprise the guests with at the end of the emotional ceremony. It did a good job of transitioning the mood to "party time"):

The main table setting:

The other tables:

The cake set-up. I was so proud of how it turned out! I made a "cookie cake" with double layers of giant pan cookies I made, with frosting between the layers and milk and dark chocolate drizzle, all topped off with chocolate covered strawberries. I ordered all the cake stand pieces separately and put together a design I sketched out with a fountain I REALLY wanted to include under the main cake. It turned out just as I had hoped, mishaps and all (those pics are coming on another day!).


Oooooo... ahhhhhh... LOL:

Some of the table set-up:

A close-up of the place card holders:

The wedding favors. I ordered custom printed M&Ms with our names on them. Some of them said Mike&Amy, 10 years, and others said Tyler & Katrina. The kids really loved this idea. :) The other favors were a true labor of love by my dear friend Jan. She worked for a LONG time on perfecting these wedding cake cookies and I sketched out designs that I wanted on the cookies and she made each one with love just how I had envisioned. She shipped them out to me overnight a few days before the wedding (we won't mention how much THAT cost!!!). They were the perfect wedding favors. Thanks Jan!

The sand ceremony vases. We did a special sand ceremony with the kids during the vow renewal ceremony. Each vase had our individual names engraved on them with our own color sand. We poured our sands into the "family vase" during the ceremony and created this beautiful sand art. It was quite touching and we have the whole set-up displayed in our house now to keep:

The whole group at the ceremony. It was a small gathering of our closest friends and family, but it was just PERFECT! Can you find Jan and Chris hiding in there???

LOVE my family!

Mommy and Flower Girl:

Daddy and Ring Bearer:

And following are just a FEW of my favorite pics that Jan took after the ceremony. Some in color and some I've converted to black and white with a glowing effect. :) I know Jan will work magic with all the pictures when she gets her hands on my favorites for the album. Can't wait!

This one was actually a pic during the ceremony:

More from afterwards:

Me grabbing a taste of the appetizers while we headed outside to take a few last pictures:


LOVE this one:

Katrina caught the bouquet when I tossed it:

Mike digging for the garter:

Oh my:

OK, so there are a TON more pics I'd like to share, and I've posted so many now I don't even know what I have and haven't posted, but I will be sharing some more pics from the lingerie shower Jan and Chris threw me, as well as pics from when we had our nails done, when we dipped all the strawberries the night before the ceremony, etc, and more pics from the reception of cutting the cake, the toast, etc... but I am OUT of time now. LOL. I've literally been sitting here editing, cropping, and adjusting pics for the last 7 hours today and I am wiped out. hehe. It's like I've relived the whole experience today though. I hope you were able to feel like a part of it as well, as I wish you'd all been able to join us. Thanks again to Jan and Chris for flying out to make my day so special and for throwing me an amazing lingerie shower and to Jan for all the amazing pictures. You guys are 2 of the best friends a girl could ever have. I am so lucky to have you all in my life, not to mention how blessed I am to have Mike as my wonderful devoted husband and Tyler and Katrina as my sweet hearted children. Life is good!
I've been working on pictures for a few days now and even though I'm not even close to getting through all of them yet, I wanted to share a bunch with you guys. Here's a bunch of pictures that Jan took the morning of the ceremony, while we were getting ready, and then a bunch of my favorite pics from during the ceremony and after. Hope you will enjoy them as much as I have.
Love, Amy
Sat morning, having hair done at the salon:

Katrina pouting since I told her that "No, Cheetos aren't a good idea this morning after you've just had your hair and makeup done" LOL:

Me checking out if the curls are even, hehe:

LOVE my hair stylist:

At the ceremony location, the dress is waiting:

Jan REALLY never misses a shot, LOL, though I won't even post the risque one that Chris (cygnet2) captured:

Nope, STILL not as bad as the one Chris got, LOL:

Jan shot this pic while I was getting my thigh highs on I think, LOL:

My mom, helping me into my slip:

Into the dress:

Almost... Hey, I spy Chris back there helping too. :)

Helping Katrina with her dress while mine was going on also:

My mom helping, and check out that reflection in the mirror, hehe:

Katrina being cuddly while I was getting dressed and hey, what's Chris doing in my purse back there?!?!:

Tighter, tighter... suck it in:

Helping Katrina secure her tiara tighter:

She was sooooo sweet:

Tyler, Mom, and Katrina:

Almost time now:

I was sooooo ready to get the ceremony started... Jan snapped some pics while we waited for some late guests to arrive:

More pics while we were waiting for the "go":

I walked up to the aisle with both kids, and Tyler hesitated a bit forgetting that he was supposed to walk done the aisle 1st, so here is Katrina reminding him:

Katrina dropping the flower girl petals, awwwww:

I SPRINTED down the aisle apparently (hey, in my defense it was a SHORT aisle, LOL) so Jan couldn't get a very good shot of me. Here is Mike helping me up the step to the stage though:

The start of the ceremony:

My beautiful flower girl:

and the handsome ring bearer:

Mike and I said a few words of appreciation to all of our friends and family:

As a complete surprise to our parents, we asked them all up on stage and honored their marriages as well. My parents have been married nearly 38 years, and Mike's parents have been married nearly 40 years. WOW to them both! We presented them with plaques that said "Love Withstands the Test of Time" and we had them engraved with their names and wedding dates:

There were a LOT of tears up on that stage that day. Me with my parents after presenting them with their plaque:

Katrina sang a beautiful song to us "Love Will Be Our Home":

Me helping Katrina a little to not be so nervous, since the microphone was off at the beginning to her song and I'm sure that unnerved her a bit. Poor girl. She was a trooper though:

Glancing at Mike and Tyler as Katrina sang:

Me singing to Mike "Have I Told You Lately", the same song I sang to him 10 years ago (I need to work on some of the pics for this part still):

One of the most special parts of the ceremony to us was making vows to our children:

The closest I think Tyler will ever get to tears on camera:

I think we all teared up a bit:

Mike and I exchanged new rings:

The new rings...

The kiss:

Of course the kids HAD to look away, LOL:

We "danced" back down the aisle a little to the song "Funky Town". (We LOVE jamming in the car with the kiddos to funky music and knew this would be a fun song to surprise the guests with at the end of the emotional ceremony. It did a good job of transitioning the mood to "party time"):

The main table setting:

The other tables:

The cake set-up. I was so proud of how it turned out! I made a "cookie cake" with double layers of giant pan cookies I made, with frosting between the layers and milk and dark chocolate drizzle, all topped off with chocolate covered strawberries. I ordered all the cake stand pieces separately and put together a design I sketched out with a fountain I REALLY wanted to include under the main cake. It turned out just as I had hoped, mishaps and all (those pics are coming on another day!).


Oooooo... ahhhhhh... LOL:

Some of the table set-up:

A close-up of the place card holders:

The wedding favors. I ordered custom printed M&Ms with our names on them. Some of them said Mike&Amy, 10 years, and others said Tyler & Katrina. The kids really loved this idea. :) The other favors were a true labor of love by my dear friend Jan. She worked for a LONG time on perfecting these wedding cake cookies and I sketched out designs that I wanted on the cookies and she made each one with love just how I had envisioned. She shipped them out to me overnight a few days before the wedding (we won't mention how much THAT cost!!!). They were the perfect wedding favors. Thanks Jan!

The sand ceremony vases. We did a special sand ceremony with the kids during the vow renewal ceremony. Each vase had our individual names engraved on them with our own color sand. We poured our sands into the "family vase" during the ceremony and created this beautiful sand art. It was quite touching and we have the whole set-up displayed in our house now to keep:

The whole group at the ceremony. It was a small gathering of our closest friends and family, but it was just PERFECT! Can you find Jan and Chris hiding in there???

LOVE my family!

Mommy and Flower Girl:

Daddy and Ring Bearer:

And following are just a FEW of my favorite pics that Jan took after the ceremony. Some in color and some I've converted to black and white with a glowing effect. :) I know Jan will work magic with all the pictures when she gets her hands on my favorites for the album. Can't wait!

This one was actually a pic during the ceremony:

More from afterwards:

Me grabbing a taste of the appetizers while we headed outside to take a few last pictures:


LOVE this one:

Katrina caught the bouquet when I tossed it:

Mike digging for the garter:

Oh my:

OK, so there are a TON more pics I'd like to share, and I've posted so many now I don't even know what I have and haven't posted, but I will be sharing some more pics from the lingerie shower Jan and Chris threw me, as well as pics from when we had our nails done, when we dipped all the strawberries the night before the ceremony, etc, and more pics from the reception of cutting the cake, the toast, etc... but I am OUT of time now. LOL. I've literally been sitting here editing, cropping, and adjusting pics for the last 7 hours today and I am wiped out. hehe. It's like I've relived the whole experience today though. I hope you were able to feel like a part of it as well, as I wish you'd all been able to join us. Thanks again to Jan and Chris for flying out to make my day so special and for throwing me an amazing lingerie shower and to Jan for all the amazing pictures. You guys are 2 of the best friends a girl could ever have. I am so lucky to have you all in my life, not to mention how blessed I am to have Mike as my wonderful devoted husband and Tyler and Katrina as my sweet hearted children. Life is good!