My Life and Weight Loss Through NS: August 2006

My Life and Weight Loss Through NS

My Photo
Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States

Saturday, August 05, 2006

FilmLoop of NYC trip

Here's a super long FilmLoop with tons of the pics from the trip to NYC for the First magazine shoot; it's really long so be fore-warned. :) We had a blast and I hope you all like the pics. :) Sorry some of them may be a little out of order; it's hard to sort through hundreds of pics one by one. LOL.

*upate* it appears that I can only post a "looplet" here, which is just the first 30 pics out of the 159 total pics. If you click on the "Click Here" link you can click on the 1st picture and open it up to a bigger window. Then you should be able to click the little "next" arrows in the bottom left corner (or just use your keyboard arrows) to view it as more of a slideshow and at the speed you want. Looks like you may have to join the loop to view them all though (free). Enjoy!

I also uploaded 100 of those pics to this other slideshow thing. You should be able to see these without having to join anywhere. Dang, don't you just love computers? Grrr.


Slideshow with notes under each pic:

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Pics of Katrina's and my haircuts

LOL, does this look familiar? My daughter had super long hair just like I did. Surprise surprise I came back from the photo shoot in NYC last week with shorter hair and suddenly she didn't mind having hers cut. HeHe, what a sweetie! :)

My haircut:

(pre-makeup of course)

Katrina's long over-due haircut:

Sorry for so many pictures; I'm a picture taking fool sometimes. LOL

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Video from NYC First Magazine Photo Shoot

Hey guys!

So as some of you know, I went last week with a group of girls to NYC for a photo shoot. It was a shoot for First For Women and they are doing a story on a group of 6 of us that all lost weight on NS, became friends through the NS support board, reached our goal weights, and have formed a great friendship and support system for maintenance now through e-mail with eachother. We all got to go to the NutriSystem photo shoot in NYC last Novemeber to take some after pictures, and we started e-mailing as a group daily before the trip. In case you don't know, here are our NS profile names: Amy (amysmithr), Tracie (mrsgeonice), Susan (candlesusan), Emily (emilyliz), Sharon (Hope4Me!), and Brenda (willeyway).

This is just a great story about how you can reach your goal weight with NS and use the support boards as a great support system and even make some great friends along the way, and then have those friends to continue your support through maintenance as well. We all help eachother maintain our weights and stick with this new healthy lifestyle. It's not easy for any of us and we all struggle, so having a great close-knit group of friends to be there for us 24/7 is a true blessing.

Anyway, that's the story that First is writing and the plan is for it to be out in print mid-October (for the November issue). Of course in this industry, they can pull the story at any time, but we're just grateful for the trip of a lifetime. We've all known eachother for what feels like forever and after the first trip to NYC last year we've all been dying for another chance to meet eachother. This was truly a dream come true. Seeing my best girlfriends again was the dream come true and getting to be at the shoot and possibly be in a magazine is just the icing on the cake. We are all SOOOO thrilled!

*update* the First magazine we will be in is coming out Oct 30th in stores. Our story is supposed to be a SIX page spread! We were also lucky enough to be featured in the NS newletter last month. Here's a link:
NS Sensational Six Newsletter Story

I am so ecstatic about the results that I've achieved thanks to NS that I will do whatever it takes to tell the world all about it. Hope you enjoy some of these videos. I was a picture and video taking fool while we were there. Of course the girls dedicated me as the "video taker" and I get to send them all copies. :) Happy losing everyone!


P.S. Click on the little play arrow on the bottom left corner to see each clip. If you have a slower connection you may need to click play twice or wait a minute for it to start (or so I hear). LOL

This was dinner Monday night after we checked into the hotel. We got to see a few other NSers from the NYC area. Sorry we couldn't see more of you, but it was a very last minute thing. Along with the 6 of us, there were 4 others: Gina (bbeeaannss), Amy (saszygirl33), Diana (dly), and Rina (rinanyc).

Walking the streets of NYC after dinner, night before the shoot

Morning of the shoot at the studio (keep in mind they made us come with no makeup and nothing in our hair, LOL)

Robert (my hairstylist) and Amy (First's Style Director) discussing my hair

My haircut and new style...

Susan in makeup, Sharon in hair, and Tracie's shoot

Susan's shoot and Emily in hair

Tracie was nice enough to tape my shoot for me. Man, it takes a lot of people to make us look good for pics, right? Who knew?!

More shoot footage, thanks to Tracie, I think

Some nice embarrassing footage of me "dancing" during my shoot. Now those of you who know me and read my Bodies In Motion posts on the board each night KNOW I'm even embarrassed to do some of the "dancing" moves in my Turbo Jam workouts in front of my KIDS at home, so you can just imagine how mortified I was here. I even said (at the end of this clip) "I really can't dance". LOL

Some video of Sharon's shoot

Some of the Sharon and me together. (They took some pics of us in pairs so that they could be sure to get good shots and piece them all together later into a big group shot if they didn't get a shot they loved with all 6 of us together).

Some candid shots taken by Tracie at the studio

Video of the shoot for the whole group

and just because I don't want to be the only "dork" caught dancing on camera... LOL

The end of the photo shoot

Here's 4 of us at Top of the Rock (top of Rockefeller Center). We all went there Tuesday night after the shoot and dinner, but Brenda had to fly home early and Emily stayed at the hotel... This is getting on the elevator and FLYING up the elevator shaft so fast your ears popped and hurt. LOL

More at Top of the Rock and the view

Even more up there... Here's what 4 goofy girls do when they want pics but don't have anyone to take them or a tripod... we set the timers on our cameras and balanced them on ledges to take group pics. Of course I just HAD to get video of this goofy procedure. Then we went into this cool "Target" room on Top of the Rock and tried to figure out how all the lights worked.

At the airport, showing Mike and the kids my new hairdo. Typical man: didn't know what I was trying to show him and couldn't figure out why I had the video camera in his face. LOL.

At home showing my parents, who are visiting, my new hairdo. This was after a long day at airports though, so I certainly didn't have it styled as nice as Robert did. LOL

and here's a pic I made up when I was playing around with our photos the other night:

OK, that's all folks. Hope you liked all the video. It only took me like 5 hours today to upload it all. HeHe.
