Hi everybody!
Well, I finally did it! I reached my goal weight of 130 yesterday, 1 day before my 27th birthday. I couldn't be happier! Here are some pics for ya. I hope to take some more when I reach 125 lbs!
Love, Amy
From 180 to 130 in 5 months!

My side view before and afters, OUCH!!!

Another goal pic today at 130 lbs

An impromptu pic I took with the kids today

Hope you like all of those! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Have an amazing day everyone...
Well, I finally did it! I reached my goal weight of 130 yesterday, 1 day before my 27th birthday. I couldn't be happier! Here are some pics for ya. I hope to take some more when I reach 125 lbs!
Love, Amy
From 180 to 130 in 5 months!

My side view before and afters, OUCH!!!

Another goal pic today at 130 lbs

An impromptu pic I took with the kids today

Hope you like all of those! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Have an amazing day everyone...
CONGRATULATIONS AMY!!! What a great pic of you and the kids!
I'm soo jealous! LOL...I so thought I'd be able to lose my 40 pounds in 8 months and get to the 130's for my wedding. I've talked with a couple co-workers my age (40's) and have had to realize that I've probably started menopause (because of my symptoms) and that is probably not helping me out! LOL..oh well..i lost 1/2 my weight at least...better than gaining.
You look sooo amazing! I can't believe the change! You are a totally different person now! :-)
Great Job!
Thanks Jan and Amanda. Don't worry Jan, that weight will come off in no time, and you'll be so proud after working doubly hard to get it off. I'm SO excited for your wedding, and the beautiful pics you're gonna take!!! Amanda, thanks for coming to my blog... LOL Thanks for the lovely comments. Yes, I am very happy (most of the time), and you'd laugh if you saw me in a bikini right now. I haven't had any time to lay out, and most of my tan is just from jogging everyday, so I have this wicked shorts tan line! LOL Oh well, at least only my hubby sees my white upper thighs! Pretty picture, huh?! Have a great night!
You look FANTASTIC! Those before and afters say it all.
I can't wait to get to goal!
Great job--I just now checked your pictures & blog.
I can't wait to reach goal too, and have the same results that you do. Good job!!!!
I'm happy for you... and I do feel a little bit of envy. But that will pass when I hit goal too. LOL
Congratulations, and what a testament to those of us (literally!) in the thick of it! You look just beautiful and deserve so much credit for your hard work. You seriously are my role model...who happens to LOOK like a model now! ;)
You look absolutely wonderful Amy!! I LOVE that picture with you and the kids...for impromptu you have a WINNER! Did hubby take that pic? Or did you 'time it'?
And you are an absolute inspiration...you look like a different woman - I'm sure that anybody who hasn't seen you in 5 months will have to do a double-take to recognize you. :) Have your parents been in China (where did I read that??) since before you started NS?? If so they're going to be AMAZED.
Keep smiling!
Thanks everybody!
You all are just too great! Sophia, my hubby took the picture of the kids and me together. We should've set the timer, and put him in the pic too, but we didn't have the tri-pod set up. I told him we need a good new family pic soon!
Yes, I'm the one with the parents in China. They visited in February, when I was down about 15 lbs. This will definitely be a shocker for them. They haven't even seen these pictures yet. I'll have to e-mail them the pics, as they're having trouble accessing this blog site from China.
Thanks to all of you for your kind words. You are all an amazing support system!
You are such an inspiration! I am in your weight range (trying to go from 188 to 130) and I now see that it is possible! And in only 5 months?!?! You go girl!
Now I just need to figure out how to post pictures, and I can share more...
Thanks! It definitely is possible. Enjoy your weight loss journey. You'll be at 130 before you know it!
WOW, Amy!! You look amazing!! What a difference 50 lbs makes! I'm trying to lose 50 as well. I'm down about 20/22 and kind of stuck there for right now. I can't wait to reach goal - it has got to be an amazing feeling of such accomplishment! Congrats are in order!! Enjoy the *new* you! :)
Congratulations! You look wonderful!
Hi Krista!
Welcome to NS. You will absolutely love the results. It has changed my life.
As for the girl in the commercials, her name on NS was 3Lambs, but I don't believe you can access her profile anymore. She is a wonderful woman, who deserves every bit of the success she has achieved. Can you just imagine how many of us she has inspired through her commercials?
Thanks for your comments, and feel free to "call out" to me on the BB whenever you would like. I am on there WAY too much! LOL
I don't know you, but I am imagining that I am who you were six months ago. I have a supportive and loving husband who loves me for who I am, but I don't love myself so much these days. I gained my weight through a combination of too many nights in hotel rooms, a battle with Crohn's disease and some stress from family situations. All excuses for why today I am 170lbs. Three days ago I got on the NS boards and saw your story. You are my Amanda. I joined the gym, cleaned the cupboards, went to the grocery store with your list of recipes, filled up my water bottle and I am on my way. I haven't lost anything in the first three days, but I have gained back some control, some hope, and my determination. Thanks for what you have done. I wanted you to know that you are touching people without even realizing it.
Wow, I am truly touched by your message here. Thank you so much for posting your comments and I will be e-mailing you shortly.
Hi Amy,
Please share how your excercise and water-intake regimen. For example, how many days a week do you workout, for how long do you exercise, is there a minimum amount of time you do cardio? Also, in terms of water, do you follow a timeline, or is it a matter of just drinking it all?
Many thanks,
4'11.5" 134/1st Goal 125.6/Final Goal 109.5/Dream Goal 93.4
PS I haven't started the program yet; so, I'm gathering as much information as possible.
Hi Tracy,
I workout 6 days/week. I now do 50-60 min cardio/day and 30 min weights/day. I used to do about 60 min/day total (60 min cardio one day, 30 min cardio and 30 min weights the next day). I drink a lot of water each day- probably 1 1/2 times the required amount. When you workout a lot you need more water. I try to drink my water throughout the day, and not just all in the evening or whatever, but I don't really follow a schedule. Hope that answers all your questions. Enjoy your losing with NS! :)
Thanks, Amy.
Until later,
Wow !!! You look soooooo good. You're truly an inspiration to me. I too am 27 and 5'4". I weighed 122.4 on Friday, but 124 on Sunday since I had a bad Saturday, but I'm still a size 9 due to body fat. I try to work out 4-5 days a week, but since I don't get off work until 5:30pm I can't stand to be in the gym over an hour since I eat dinner and get to bed too late. I try my best to stick to the plan, but it's so hard to stick with it on weekends since I'm out all day long with no access to hot water or microwaves. You truly have achieved what I hope to acheive by the end of summer so thank you for sharing your success !
Amy congradulation on hitting your goal. This is Gina from the NS web site. I have gone over your NS reciepes and even tried a few, they are great. So now that you have reached goal, do you have any ideas on how you are going to maintaine? Will you increase your calories some? Please email me at ladybugflowerlily@yahoo.com
amy, i just ordered my ns on saturday and can not wait to get started. i to live in colorado springs. maybe we can get together for support. i just turned 39 and my husband said that if i can get down to a size 8 he will buy me a new wardrobe so i hope to get to where you are i am at 170.
Hi Addie,
I started out running about 1 mile/day and every few weeks or so added in another mile. Once I reached 2.5 miles, it wasn't too hard to double it to 5. If 1 mile is too much to start with, try jogging 1/4 mile, then walking 1/4 mile, then jogging again, etc. This will build up your endurnace very quickly. I like to get in a cardio workout as well as a weights workout each day, though every other day would be fine as well. It is important to get in the weights with the cardio I feel. It will help your body to be more toned as you lose as well as building muscle which burns fat more quickly.
For cardio you don't just have to run. I like using a recumbent bike, treadmill, or workout videos (I like Tae-Bo). Let me know if I didn't answer your question completely! :)
I am soooo jealous of you! You look absolutely fabulous! One day hopefull I can share a similar story. I started 1 month ago at 190 lbs and have a goal of 130 lbs. I am currently at 175, but the goal seems extremely far away. You are an inspiration! Now I know it CAN be done! You look great!
You'll get there. Just stick with it!!! :) Keep me posted.
Wow - you are incredible and a real inspiration. Keep up the good work.
Wow great job Amy I am proud of you ... I just started my NS since Aug.8th 2006 already lost 17 lbs.. do you ever gain a pound during your NS Program????
take care
Hi Lisa, Congrats on your loss already! Yes, I go up and down with my weight now that I'm trying to maintain under my goal weight. It's always a struggle, but one worth fighting. :)
Hi Amy,
thanks for reply...Pls look up on my profile (audrey46) I am looking forward to hit my goal weight.. already got my red beanie bear.. and looking forward to my 20lbs beanie... 3 lbs away.. yeeephhhe AND
you look great!!!!
I'm not sure how you did it. . . the food from NS is horrible. I couldn't eat most of the dinners -- really bad. Is that how you lost weight -- just didn't eat?
I just came across your blog today and love it! I am writing down some of your recipes. I've been doing nutrisystem for a month now and while I don't mind how the food tastes, I feel like home cooked, fresh food has got to be better for you. I am learning a lot from nutrisystem just by being told what I should be eating at each meal. Your before and after pictures are great. You look awesome! Thanks for sharing all this in your blog.
I am so happy I found your blog. Wow girl you look AMAZING! You are an inspiration! Im not on Nutrisystems yet. I want to join either NS or JC but cannot afford to yet. Love your blog for recipes & motivation!
Thanks for sharing what you know about the program
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