My Life and Weight Loss Through NS
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Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

My picture 1/2 way through my weight-loss journey


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amy you are a poster child for NS you did fantastic. What a transformation. Only 4 months! My goodness. Great job. I have bookmarked your blog! Keep your post without food. It is a long way to maintenance but I save most of your threats for the future :o)


2:47 AM  
Blogger Amy said...

Thank you SO much! My threats, LOL Threads?! :)

2:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how did you do it

8:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amy, I have been fighting my weight forever. Please email me with some suggestions. Did you excercise everyday...Can you help me. My name at NS is rosebud50 and my email address is

Thanks so look great.

God Bless
Rose Marie

8:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are everyone's inspiration. I have read your story and you inspire me to go all the way. I thought my goal weight of 135 (pre baby weight) was out of reach but, after reading your story I think it's well within reach. I've seen your cookbook and everything looks so good. How sweet of you to take the time to take pictures of your receipes and share them with everyone. How gracious of you. You deserve a metal. You are our hero!
Way to go!
congratulations on your journey.
Mine is just beginning.
Take care & Thank You!!!

5:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read on the page where it shows all your weight loss about how different your eyes look. I think it might be partly the change emotionally from being back in control of your life, and bright eyes for a bright future.

I need to lose about 200 lbs, and the thought of so much to lose is really daunting, and makes you not even want to try. Anyone who reads this, please, please - take control of your life now before things get really out of control. I'm in essence carrying a two hundred pound person on my back everywhere I go....

8:18 AM  
Anonymous Sue in GA said...

I have just started a new diet based on your recipes. I have dieted off and on for years and know all the low-cal tricks. However, your recipes have been great. In just 11 days, I have dropped 9 lbs and my grandson 5 lbs. I love the way you have calculated everything to single servings. I am cooking a lot but its fun and quick and we are really enjoying. I just want to thank you for sharing these great recipes. I just made the danish (I used blueberries and it is delicious). I also enjoyed the sloppy Joe, egg rolls, pepperoni pizza (for my grandson), breakfast pizza and burritos for both of us, oven fried chicken (works great on fish too). Obviously I could go on and on but I just want to thank you. With H.S. Bisquick, egg beaters, soy flour, and FF cheese on everything and cooking in small portions, you have introduced and old dog to new tricks. Best of wishes in the New Year for you and your family

10:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amy, thanks so much for taking the time to create this blog. Myself and many others find it as a source of inspiration and ideas to utilize on our own weight loss journeys.

I am a new member of Nutrisystem Canada and our meal choices are not as good as our US neighbour, so I will use some of your recipes to supplement my not so great food.

Thanks again my dear, your generosity of spending the time and making the effort to share is so much appreciated! All the best to you!

Jody from New Westminster, BC CANADA

9:09 PM  
Anonymous Marcus said...

I'm inspired by your progress!

12:46 PM  

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